- packet manager: ensure ether type proto ids don't masquerade as ip proto ids
thanks to Bhargava Shastry <bshastry@sec.t-labs.tu-berlin.de> for reporting the issue - codec manager: fix off-by-1 mapping array size
thanks to Bhargava Shastry <bshastry@sec.t-labs.tu-berlin.de> for reporting the issue - codec: fix extraction of ether type from cisco metadata
- appid: add new unit tests to the cmake build, fix missing lib reference to sfip
- sfghash: clean up and add unit tests
- http: fix 119:38 false positive
- main: fix compiler warnings when SHELL is not enabled
- perf_monitor: fix flatbuffers handling of empty strings
- modbus: port fix for false positives on length field
- http: port simple UTF decoding w/o byte order mark
- build: updated code to resolve cppcheck warnings
- cleanup: fix typos in source code string literals and comments
- doc: fix typos
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Snort++ Update
Pushed build 233 to github (snortadmin/snort3):