Today, we released Noah's installation guide for the newest version of Snort 3 for Ubuntu 18 and 19. We've provided some highlights below, but you can view the full log of changes, along with a guide of setting up Snort 3 on Ubuntu, here.
Major changes in this release:
- Tested with Snort 3.0.1 b2
- Ubuntu 20 LTS support added
- Ubuntu 19 support removed
- Removed old environmental variables
- Added new IP commands to replace ipconfig on Ubuntu 20
Minor Changes:
- SafeC updated to 3.5.1
- Gperftools updated from 2.7.0 to 2.7.90
- Boost headers updated from 1.71.0 to 1.72.0
- Hyperscan updated from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1
- Flatbuffers updated from 1.11 to 1.12
- Updated openAppId to 12159
- Replaced community rules with registered rules
- Updated from Splunk 7.x to Splunk 8.x
- Configure Splunk startup to use systemD rather than init.
- Added libcmocka-dev libraries to support DAQ requirements.