Friday, March 22, 2013

VRT Rule License Change v2.0

In its first big update since the VRT License Agreement for Snort was written several years ago, we’re proud to announce Version 2.0 of the VRT License.

It can be read, as always, in its entirety here:

The three main goals that we wanted to accomplish by revising the license agreement:

1. Simplify the license. 

Based on user feedback, we wanted to make the license more simple to follow. We have worked with our lawyers to incorporate the feedback from the user community into this license with the goal of clarifying those provisions that users had questions about.

 2. The inclusion of the Community ruleset

The primary goal for the license change was to allow for a set of rules written by, and for, the community.  GPLv2 licensed, free to use. There will be an additional blog post on the community ruleset very soon.

 3. Recurring subscriptions 
 **This has not been rolled out yet**

One of the common challenges our users tell us they face is the requirement to log into and renew their VRT subscription on an annual basis. We want to remove this pain for everyone and make subscribing easier for everyone.

We are undergoing a complete rewrite of the web site so that we can deliver content faster to users, make the downloads more reliable, and make user account issues a thing of the past. We plan to roll this out in the near future; more on this soon.

When we shift from the old web site to the new web site, there will be a process for you to login and migrate your account from the old database to the new database. During this process you will be required to agree to the new VRT 2.0 License Agreement that we’ve linked to above. The new agreement allows for recurring subscriptions, and any new subscription you purchase after the account migration will move to this new system to make that yearly task of renewing your account a thing of the past.

As I said above, we are working on several big improvements to Snort’s ecosystem. We have many exciting improvements waiting in the wings, and we intend on making sure they are available to the community!

 Thanks for your support of Snort!