Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Snort OpenAppID Detector Beta available!

We've released a new version of the OpenAppId content, and we wanted to share a few points about what we've added:

* Increased the coverage of our application detectors to an additional 800 detectors which brings our total coverage to 2,207 detectors. Some of those detectors include application based subclassifications such as "LinkedIn Upload", expanded coverage to protocol based detectors, different messaging platforms like the Kik Messenger and new torrent clients like uTorrent.

For more information about the list of detectors they can be viewed in the file.

* Improvements over the application detection that are based on SSL traffic

* Along with Snort beta we have included the Open Source Detectors Developer Guide document which can be used for anyone that would like to write their own openappid detectors.

You can download Snort beta and the OpenAppId content at in the Development section.