Thursday, December 17, 2020

Snort rule update for Dec. 17, 2020

The latest SNORTⓇ rule update is available now, courtesy of Cisco Talos.

Thursday's release contains numerous rules to protect against various malware families. Among the new rules is one to detect the Egregor ransomware, which is recently experiencing a surge and has even infected retail chain K-Mart's network.

If you haven't already, please check out all of Talos' coverage around the SolarWinds incident. We have new rules protecting against the exploitation of the backdoor in question. And we also have previous detection for the FireEye products affected by this attack.

Here's a breakdown of this morning's rule release:

Shared object rulesModified shared object rulesNew rulesModified rules

There were no changes made to the snort.conf in this release.

Talos's rule release:
Talos has added and modified multiple rules in the file-other, malware-cnc, malware-other and server-webapp rule sets to provide coverage for emerging threats from these technologies.
You can subscribe to Talos' newest rule detection functionality for as low as $29 a year with a personal account. Be sure and see our business pricing as well here. Make sure and stay up to date to catch the most emerging threats.